TRIPAWDS: Home to 25293 Members and 2183 Blogs.

Three Cheers for Ugly Gus!!!

Ugliest Dog Contest Winner Three-legged Chinese Crested GusWoof! Woof! Woof!

Here’s to Gus, the three-legged Chinese Crested for winning the 2008 Ugliest Dog Contest in Petaluma, CA during the recent Sonoma-Marin Fair!

He may not be a much to look at, with skin cancer, one eye and no hair, but with three legs how can you not love this little guy? Apparently his missing limb earned him a few extra points, but I think he looks better with three legs than any hairless dog I’ve ever seen … not that I’ve ever really seen any in person. Or in dog, rather

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The Story of Bella and Hope

Hope the Three-Legged Great Dane Gets ComfyWhen we reviewed the Hot/Cold Pain Relief Pack from Bella’s Pain Relief, we discovered the namesake of this great pet products company was a great tripawd – Great Dane to be specific.

And when we read the amazing story of Bella and Hope, we knew we had to share it with our readers.

So we asked Ronnie from to tell us about these two incredible three-legged dogs. We hope you enjoy her touching tale as much as we do …

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Sammy’s Story: Amigos para vida del perros con tres piernas!

Sammy Dog Leaps on Three Legs

My new friend Sammy wrote to me to share his story about how he just became a Tripawd and had his surgery where I did, in California.

Sammy is from Mexico, and the way he started out his life is not an easy story to read. In fact, it made my Mom cry. But it has a hoppy ending, and it will put a smile on your face.

Welcome to America, Sammy. Your story is proof that miracles do happen, and not all humans are jerks. What a lucky, lucky Tripawd you are!

Barely Alive on the Beach

My name is Sammy. I was born in a tiny fishing village in Baja, Mexico. Some jerk ran over me when I was only 3 months old and then dumped me off at a deserted beach to die a slow, agonizing death! I had a broken pelvis, broken femur, terrible mange, open sores all over, millions of fleas (at least that’s how it felt) and a tummy filled with nasty worms…I was a mess!

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Try Natural Flea Relief For Your Tripawd Dog

Diagram of a FleaWhen I first got cancer, my Mom kept putting Frontline on me, because we had ticks and fleas bad where we used to live. Even though she wondered if maybe that’s what caused my cancer in the first place, she was afraid that the diseases I could get from fleas would be far worse than the risk of getting sick from chemicals that are supposed to be “safe” for us.

But when my lung mets showed up, Mom had to know: Is flea medication safe? Can it make me sick?

She talked to my oncologist, a pet nutrition guru, about flea prevention. My oncologist believes that dogs with “compromised immune systems” shouldn’t have more chemicals in their bodies. Since my great diet keeps my body strong, she said that fleas shouldn’t be a problem for me. She recommended that we stick with natural flea solutions.

During our stay here in the Colorado high country, there are two natural flea killers that we are putting to the test this summer: Flee, Flea! All Natural Anti-Flea Spray for Dogs and Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

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