Canine Prosthetics: Pardon My Faux Paw
Are prosthetics a good option for three legged dogs and other handicapped pets?
Are prosthetics a good option for three legged dogs and other handicapped pets?
Profile of three legged champion agility therapy dog Serena, by Amy Breton
Luke Robinson, 2 Dogs 2000 Miles and dog lovers march on Washington DC for the first ever Canine Cancer Caucus.
Adopt a three legged special needs dog from a Colorado animal rescue.
Tribute to three legged senior dog and bone cancer hero, Zeus.
A review of Dr. Demien Dresslers Dog Cancer Survival Guide e-book
Three legged dogs and their humans gather to celebrate life as tripods in Longmont, Colorado.
Three legged tripod dog hero Jerry G. Dawg tells how his pawrents learned to cope after his death and welcome another puppy into their life.
Three legged amputee bone cancer dog Jerry tells how his people learned to heal from grief and love life again after his death from osteosarcoma.
Canine bone cancer and amputation survey questions wanted for research at